This Volvo XC90 in Mobberly, Cheshire had quite a serious dent to the side of it all thanks to a large skip! The customer had taken it to a local body shop who advised her that it required a new door and that it would cost over £1900 to repair. As you can see from the photo stream we were able to repair it for her and at a cost of less than 70% of what the body shop had quoted her!
What We Repaired
We had to repair, the drivers side rear wing, drivers side rear door, drivers side front door and the plastic wheel arch trim.
How We Repaired It
We pin pulled the dents that involves welding a pin to the panel and using a slide hammer to pull the dent out. This is used on quite deep dents so that you don’t use lots of filler! We then fill, prime and paint the damaged area. As you can see the repair was absolutely flawless!
Time Taken
We arrived at about 10am and we completed by about 5pm. This repair was carried out at the start of December 2011. As you can see from the photo we just managed to dry the paint before it got dark. I did have to come back the following day to take the after photos!